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We wish all the best in New Year 2012!

We have great news about our lovely Daphne from Lithuania. Daphne live in kennel Tangomanija, owner Jurate Daugmaudiene.

November 12. 2011 Kaunas (LT)
chinese crested dog
Daphne Jemalle young class exc.1 Junior BOB BOB!!!
Daphne has fulfiled the conditions for the title Junior Champion of Lithuania!
Congratulations and thank you Jurate!

Tento víkend se udála spousta věcí. Royíček odjel ke své nové paničce, Diabolko a Tina se s paničkami vypravili na výstavní víkend do Prahy a my jsme se vyrazili pokoušet štěstí do výstavních kruhů v Německu spolu s Monikou Bílou a Eyronkem.

November 6. 2011 NDS Stuttgart (DE)
chinese crested dog
Legends Tornado at Jemalle champion class exc.1 CAC VDH
Conchitta Jemalle intermediate class exc.1 CAC VDH National winner BOB!!!
judged by Mrs. Chantal Mery (F)

November 5. 2011 IDS Stuttgart (DE)
chinese crested dog
Legends Tornado at Jemalle champion class exc.1 CAC VDH CACIB
Conchitta Jemalle intermediate class exc.2 res.CAC
judged by Mr. Milivoje Urosevic (SR)

November 6. 2011 IDS Praha (CZ)
chinese crested dog
Diabolo Jemalle intermediate class exc.1 CAC
Etienne Jemalle young class exc.1 CAJC
judged by Mr. Piotr Król (PL)

November 5. 2011 Club show Praha (CZ)
chinese crested dog
Diabolo Jemalle intermediate class VG3
Etienne Jemalle young class exc.1 CAJC
judged by Mr. Miroslaw Redlicky (PL)
Diabolo Jemalle + Etienne Jemalle Best couple- 1. place

November 4. 2011
V pátek odjel El Roy do nového domova. Našel si skvělou rodinu a paničku, která se na něj moc těšila. Doma ho čekali další psí kamarádi, takže ke štěstí mu vůbec nic nechybí. Přejeme Royovi a jeho paničce spoustu krásných společných chvil.

Dostali jsme fotky našich dvou portích princezen - Cool Lady a Cute Mayly. Děkujeme majitelům za krásné fotografie a skvělý domov!

More photos of our puppies here.

October 09. 2011 IDS České Budějovice (CZ)
chinese crested dog
Diabolo Jemalle intermediate class exc.1 CAC
Etienne Jemalle puppy class VP1
judged by Mrs. RNDr. Jaroslava Ovesná (CZ)

September 24. 2011 Special dog show Jihlava (CZ)
chinese crested dog
Diabolo Jemalle young class exc.4
Etienne Jemalle puppy class, VP1 3.BIS puppy
Felippe Jemalle puppy class VP1
judged by Mrs. Olga Dolejšová (CZ)

Etienne Jemalle + Diabolo Jemalle Best couple - 1. place
Congratulations and thank you all for presentation!

Oktober 24. 2011 NDS Brno (CZ)
chinese crested dog
Etienne Jemalle dorost, VN1
judged by Mrs. Mgr. Božena Ovesná (CZ)

September 04. 2011 Club show Báč (SK)
Opět nás přilákalo jméno rozhodčího, tentokrát specialisty na 8.skupinu FCI z Anglie. Za vše mluví to, že pan Shields dokonce posuzoval na prestižní výstavě Crufts 2011. Těší nás, že se panu rozhodčímu naše fenka opravdu líbila a dostala od něj nádherný posudek.
Titul Klubový vítěz nemohl být Burning přidělen, protože nejsme členy slovenského Klubu chovateľov poľovných slídičov.

cao de aqua portuguese
Burning Touch Jemalle třída otevřená, V1,CAC,CC
judged by Mr. David Shields (GB), kennel Wilholme

August 27.-28. 2011 IDS Mladá Boleslav (CZ)
cao de aqua portuguese
Boogie Dancer Jemalle open class exc.1 CAC CACIB BOB BEST IN GROUP!!!
Burning Touch Jemalle open class exc.1 CAC CACIB
Cashmere Jemalle baby class VP
judged by Mr. Petr Studeník (CZ)

chinese crested dog
Etienne Jemalle puppy class VP1
Legends Tornado at Jemalle champion class exc.1 CAC CACIB
Conchitta Jemalle intermediate class exc.1 CAC
judged by Mr. Grzegorz Robak (PL)
Conchitta has fulfiled the conditions for the title Junior Champion of Czech Republic!

August 20.-21. 2011 2xIDS Bratislava (SK)
cao de agua portuques
Boogie Dancer Jemalle open class exc.1 CAC CACIB
                                  open class exc.1 CAC CACIB
Burning Touch Jemalle open class exc.1 CAC CACIB BOB
                                  open class exc.2 res.CAC
judged by Mr. Jaroslav Matyáš (SK)
judged by Mr. Hans Müller (CH)

chinese crested dog
Legends Tornado at Jemalle champion class exc.1 CAC
                                          champion class exc.2 res.CAC

Conchitta Jemalle intermediate class exc.2
                           intermediate class exc.2 res.CAC
judged by Mr. (IT)
judged by Mrs. Kirschbichler Steffi (AT)

June 19. 2011 Special european dog show Dunajská Lužná (SK)
chinese crested dog
Etienne Jemalle puppy class VP1, Winner of special show, BOB puppy!!!
Legends Tornado at Jemalle champion class exc.2 res.CAC
Conchitta Jemalle intermediate class exc.1 CAC
judged by Mr. Jean Jacques Dupas (F)

June 5. 2011 NDS Klatovy (CZ)
chinese crested dog
Diabolo Jemalle young class exc.1 CAJC Junior BOB
Conchitta Jemalle young class exc.1 CAJC
judged by Mr. Karel Hořák (CZ)
Congratulations to Soňa Kantova and thanks for beautiful photos!

June 4. 2011 NDS Klatovy (CZ)
cao de aqua portuguese
Burning Touch Jemalle intermediate class exc.1 CAC
judged by Mr. Miloš Kašpar (CZ)

May 22, 2011 IDS Litoměřice (CZ)
chinese crested dog
Diabolo Jemalle young class, exc.1 CAJC Best junior
judged by Mrs. Marie Marušková (CZ)
Congratulations to Sona Kantova!
More photos of Diabolo on the website "Artik Golfik"

May 21, 2011 NDS Litoměřice (CZ)
chinese crested dog
Diabolo Jemalle young class, exc.1 CAJC
judged by Mr. Antonín Mudra (CZ)
Diabolo has fulfiled the conditions for the title Junior Champion of Czech Republic in his 10 months old! Big congratulations!!!

May 15, 2011 IDS Praha (CZ)
chinese crested dog
Diabolo Jemalle young class, exc.1 CAJC Best junior
judged by Mr. Machetanz Peter (D)
Congratulations to Sona Kantova!

May 14, 2011 Club show Praha (CZ)
chinese crested dog
Diabolo Jemalle young class exc.2
judged by Mrs. Linda Reinelt-Gebauer (D)
Congratulations to Sona Kantova!

May 7, 2011 Club show - castle Kačina Kutná Hora (CZ)
portuguese water dog
Boogie Dancer Jemalle open class exc.1 CAC
Burning Touch Jemalle intermediate class, exc.1 CAC Club winner BOB!!!
judged by Mrs. Marjo Jaakkola (FI), kennel Benton
Congratulations to Lenka and Misa!

We made on the weekend new photos of porties puppies. More photos "here"

April 24, 2011 IDS České Budějovice (CZ)
chinese crested dog
Diabolo Jemalle young class, exc.1 CAJC
judged by Mrs. Zuzana Brotánková (CZ)
Congratulations to Sona Kantová!

Photos by Sona Kantova.

April 20, 2011
We have HD test results of father of our porties puppies!
Donald (Ele E Um Vencedor Aplicado) is HD A clear!
We are very happy with Simona Bergerova, Donald´s owner.

April 10, 2011 NDS Ostrava (CZ)
chinese crested dog
Diabolo Jemalle young class, exc.2
judged by Mrs. Zdenka Jílková (CZ)
Congratulations to Sona Kantova! More photos of Diabolo on the website "Artik Golfik"

April 9, 2011 NDS Ostrava (CZ)
portuguese water dog
Ch.Aimée Jemalle open clas, exc.1 CAC National winner BOB
judged by Mr. Ing. Zdeněk Antonovič (CZ)

Aimée finished title Champion of the Czech Republic!!!
Congratulations to Simona Bergerová!

We have new photos of the puppies. LITTER E of chinese crested, LITTER F of chinese crested too and LITTER C of portie puppies.

We have VIDEO of portie puppies in the age 4,5 weeks!

March 13,2011 CRUFT 2011, Birmingham (GB)
chinese crested dog
Legends Tornado at Jemalle
class post graduate first prize!!!(23 dogs)
judged by Mrs. Lin Stannard

We have puppies of Portuguese water dog!
More info about parents and photos Puppies

We have puppies of Chinese Crested!
More info about parents and photos Litter E and Litter F

February 6,2011 IDS Brno (CZ)
chinese crested dog
Conchitta Jemalle young class, exc.1 CAJC

Legends Tornado at Jemalle open class, exc.1 CAC
judged by Mrs. Brigitte Bregenzer (AT)

portuquese water dog
Burning Touch Jemalle intermediate class, exc.1 CAC res.CACIB
Jch.Aimeé Jemalle open class, exc.1 CAC CACIB
judged by Mr. Per Iversen (NO)

February 5, 2011 IDS Brno (CZ)
chinese crested dog
Diabolo Jemalle puppy class,VN1
judged by Mr. Piotr Krol (PL)

portuquese water dog
Jch.Aimeé Jemalle open class, exc.1 CAC res.CACIB
judged by Mr. Pavel Šulcek (CZ)

January 15, 2011 Champion of champions Prague (CZ)
Rocky Pupo-Haichi - Best of Breed
judged by Mr. Dr.Tamás Jakkel (HU)

Boogie Dancer Jemalle - Best of Breed 2. BIG
judged by Mr. Miloš Kašpar (CZ), Mr. Dr.Tamás Jakkel (HU)

Many thanks to Sona Kantova, Hanus Brychta and Jakub Antos for the lovely photos!
More photos are on the page "Artík Golfík"

January 9, 2011 NDS Olomouc (CZ)
Legends Tornado at Jemalleopen class, exc.1 CAC
Takara Jemalle de GabriTho open class, exc.4
judged by Mr. Petr Rehanek (CZ)

Tornado finished title Champion of the Czech Republic!!!

New photos of "Conchitta."

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